Bloomfield Community Schools PE Facility Forensic Evaluation

Kramer was engaged by Bloomfield Community Schools to conduct a forensic evaluation of the recently completed P.E. Facility ($2.5MM Project). Kramer completed the forensic evaluation and reported, what may be considered, very significant and serious contract compliance issues. These issues were assembled and presented, by Kramer, in a pre-discovery format to the Designers and Contractors who originally performed the work.
What happened to Bloomfield Schools is a clear demonstration of the type of exposure that is possible when Architects, Engineers and Contractors are left unsupervised or otherwise not held accountable. They operate in an unspoken society where their best interests lie primarily with protecting their own relationships, developed over many years of working together..... and to secure that they continue to do so in the future.
This is where Kramer excels where others simply are not capable -- we have broken through the barriers built by these project professionals and operate with NO conflict of interest, allowing for delivery of fully Independent and Transparent Services, offering a much Higher Quality and with a Cost Savings.
The issues and corrective action enforced for Bloomfield Schools is summarized as follows:
-Site Grade Elevations NONCOMPLIANT $200,000
-Shot Put and Discus Pads NONCOMPLIANT $2,000
-Subsurface Track Drainage System NONCOMPLIANT $50,000
-Long Jump and Pole Vault NONCOMPLIANT $5,000
-Fence NONCOMPLIANT $3,000
-Building Finishes NONCOMPLIANT $10,000
-Landscaping NONCOMPLIANT $20,000
-Tennis Courts NONCOMPLIANT $150,000
-Access Drive NONCOMPLIANT $20,000
8 months and an estimated $460,000 later, Bloomfield Schools now has a functional facility.
The Designer and Contractor of Record agreed to all NONCOMPLIANT issues discovered and performed the corrective action - at no additional cost to Bloomfield Schools
"This is a TRUE story..."