"Couldn't have asked for a better partner, thanks for rescuing us!"
— Jeff Gibonney, Bloomfield School District Superintendent

"I would like to take this opportunity to commend you and Kramer Corporation for what I consider an excellent performance as Owner's Representative for the Town of Brownsburg: Municipal Complex Project. You exceeded expectations and I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you and your company. I greatly appreciate that someone in the industry has finally solved the long standing problem of holding all project professionals ACCOUNTABLE for what is negotiated and executed under contract. In addition, this effort is only underscored by Kramer's ability to ensure high quality standards and project schedule accountability."
— James Waggoner, Brownsburg Town Manager

"You really were more than our board representative. While you offered us the ability to proceed with the project on time and under budget, you helped us with those bruised relationships within our city that needed soothing. You were able to take the hard knocks and help all involved from becoming overly emotional. The ability to work with many personalities, while keeping the goal and objective at the forefront, was your most valuable trait."
— Jane Myers, Lebanon Library Board President

“We would like to thank Kramer Corporation for assisting the Town of Avon and the Avon Redevelopment Commission with this project. Without your input many deviations from the contract may have gone un-noticed & uncorrected. The Town of Avon has a better facility because of your oversight.”
— Mark White, Assistant Town Manager

"The Lucas Oil Stadium Project is a significant achievement for the City of Indianapolis as well as an iconic state-of-the-art facility for the NFL. The only regret I have is bringing you in to the project process so late in the game. You managed what I would consider an unprecedented view of an industry that clearly needs your services - especially from a team owner perspective. Thank you for your participation in protecting the best interests of the Indianapolis Colts. Your involvement has netted deliverables well beyond expectations."
— Pete Ward, Indianapolis Colts Senior Executive Vice President

"Dan Sulkoske has the right approach: Make publicly funded construction projects so transparent so that nothing financial or otherwise, and he does mean nothing, is hidden. Sulkoske's Kramer Corp., based in Brownsburg, does just that. "
— Steve Greenberg, Hendricks County Business Leader

“... Construction on the $16 million municipal complex in downtown Brownsburg is ahead of schedule and within budget... A good working relationship between town staff and building contractors helped smooth over any surprises.”
— Virginia Hilbert, Indianapolis Star Correspondent