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Another last ditch effort for select politicians and large fat cat construction managers and designers to keep their pockets well lined.... "Construction Management at Risk" is the

latest "watch out" move made by lobbyists to steal taxpayer dollars... It will fail like other schemes like "design-build" because not only are taxpayers fed up with this absurd

abuse of the system, but stewards of the taxpayer (mayor,

town manager, school superintendents, boards and councils that govern) are also assuming a more responsible role as a taxpayer representative.


The above subscribing to this last ditch effort will dismiss this as merely a nuisance and coming from an uninformed source... They would be wrong! Having been a construction manager on multi-million dollar projects - I know the "risk" as being high premiums for the owner.


However, there is a growing trend that the foolishness that incapsulates this notion is really not necessary. Politicians are finding out that they don't need this element to be successful. That the good ol' boy "quid pro quo" is no longer necessary....


In fact, politicians can govern, not without relationships, but with controlled relationships. This source is very informed and, how shall I put it... I'm the guy that knows what the construction industry does not want you to know...

I'm also the guy running the successful business that gives these politicians the freedom to govern without a dark cloud hovering over them...

Find out more, submit your questions. They will be answered with absolute truth and clarity.

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